A list with all valid fields for the Ad Insights Marketing API
As all fields cannot be requested at the same time, they are grouped here according to their thematic scope in a named list. As this division is not formalised in the official API, the named list has been liberally built by the package author. As the actual contents of some fiels is not immediately obvious nor clearly described in the official documentation they may be misplaced until they are fully tested. Fields may be repeated when relevant. `ad_id` is included in all lists as it can be used for matching.
## `cc_valid_fields_ad_insights` A named list with all valid fields for Ad Insights.
- about_the_account
Retrieves information about the ad account. If you separate clearly your ad account, you probably don't need to request this information with every call.
- about_the_ad
Retrieves information about a given ad. Logically, these should need to be requested only once per ad and, e.g. not on a daily basis as they should remain unchanged for each ad.
- about_the_ad_timing
Retrieves information about the timing of a given ad, when it started, ended, etc. These also need to be requested only once per ad, but may need to be updated while the ad is still running.