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It retrieves the requested fields from the APIs and introduces a few adjustments:


  ig_media_id = NULL,
  metrics = NULL,
  api_version = "v19.0",
  ig_user_id = NULL,
  cache = TRUE,
  update = TRUE,
  token = NULL



Instagram media identifier. A list of identifiers for your account can be retrieved with `cc_get_instagram_media_id()`. If left to NULL, a full list is automatically retrieved.


Defaults to "v18.0".


Instagram user id, typically composed of 17 digits. Not to be confused with legacy Instragram account id.


- it always includes the media id, in a column named `ig_media_id` - it always include the media type, in a column named `ig_media_type` - it adds a `timestamp_retrieved` column, with ISO 8601-formatted creation date in UTC - it ensures that the output always included all requested fields, if they are valid; e.g. `is_shared_to_feed` and `media_url` may be omitted by the API (see documentation) but this function always includes the relevant column (and returns a NA value if no value is given) - all valid fields for the given API endpoint are always requested and cached locally; only requested fields are effectively returned (but `ig_media_id` and `timestamp_retrieved` are always included as first and last column)

N.B.: different media types have different fields: hence the `NA`s in columns for which data are unavailable for the given media type. N.B.: all media posted before 2017 are discarded by default, as Instagram API throw an error for earlier posts

For details, see:


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
} # }