Calculate the ratio of two Google Analytics events
Calculate the ratio of two Google Analytics events
rolling = FALSE,
rolling_before = 7,
rolling_after = 7,
rolling_period = "day",
rolling_complete = FALSE,
start_date = NULL,
end_date = NULL,
ga_email = NULL,
ga_property_id = NULL
- events
A character vector of length 2, such as `c("session_start", "purchase")` to calculate the ratio between these two events.
- rolling
If TRUE, calculates a rolling mean over the number of periods (by default, days) set with `rolling_before` and `rolling_after`.
- rolling_complete
Defaults to FALSE. If TRUE, rolling mean is calculated only for periods that are fully available.
- start_date
Defaults to 91 days before today
- end_date
Defaults to yesterday.
- ga_email
E-mail addressed associated with relevant Google Analytics account, passed to `googleAnalyticsR::ga_auth()`
- ga_property_id
Google Analytics property identifier. Find it with `googleAnalyticsR::ga_account_list("ga4")`.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
if (interactive) {
cc_get_ga_event_ratio(c("session_start", "purchase"))
} # }